Date Range
Date Range
Date Range
Er et logik pusle spil, med simple regler og vanskelige løsninger. Du skal tegne linjer mellem prikkerne, for at lave en enkelt ring uden kryds eller forgreninger. Numrene i firkanterne fortæller hvor mange linjer der er omkring denne. Venstre klik mellem prikkerne for at tegne en linje og højreklik for at markere med X. Hvad er det jeg skal? .
Is er et logisk puslespil som har simple regler og udfordrende løsninger. For at farve et felt sort, klikker man på feltet med venstre museknap. For at sætte et kryds i et felt, klikker man på feltet med højre museknap. Hvis man vil lave en serie af krydser eller sorte felter, klikker man på museknappen og holder den nede mens man kører over de felter der skal markeres. Hvad er det jeg skal? .
Is a logic puzzle with simple rules and challenging solutions. You have to find the location of all dominoes on the grid. A domino is a pair of numbers. You can have only one of each pair. Left click between two numbers to connect them in a domino. Right click to place a border which will help you separate numbers that you think cannot be connected. What am I supposed to do? .
Is a logic puzzle with simple rules and challenging solutions. Is played on a rectangular grid. The grid has both black cells and white cells in it. The objective is to place light bulbs on the grid so that every white square is lit. Also, no light bulb may illuminate another light bulb. Left click a square to place a light bulb. Right click to mark with X.
Is a logic puzzle with a bit complicated rules and challenging solutions. Left click on a square to make it black. Right click to mark with dot. Click and drag to mark more than one square. What am I supposed to do? .
Is a logic puzzle with simple rules and challenging solutions. You have to divide the grid into rectangular and square pieces such that each piece contains exactly one number, and that number represents the area of the rectangle. Click and drag to draw a rectangle. To remove lines use the right mouse button or hold the Ctrl or the Shift key. What am I supposed to do? .
Государственное бюджетное учреждение здравоохранения Нижегородской области Дальнеконстантиновская центральная районная больница. 606310, Нижегородская область,. Информация для граждан об электронном способе подачи заявлений на оказание государственных услуг.